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Tech Tuesday with Tira

Tech Tuesday with Tira is a free, on-line live video conference for's PulseGraver buyers.


Tira Mitchell from Tech Tuesday with TiraJewelers, engravers and stone setters can talk live to Tira using a computer (PC or Mac), tablet or smart phone (iOS or Android). Tira hosts a web call explaining tips and tricks for tuning and using the PulseGraver® electric airless engraving and setting system. Participants with a webcam can, but don't have to, share their webcam with Tira and the group to help clarify questions and get the most out of their PulseGraver® machines. 

These sessions are to help PulseGraver® users get the most from their tools and are available exclusively to people who buy PulseGravers from Tira will cover the basics of setting up an PulseGraver, adjusting the hand piece, adjusting settings on the machine, and trouble-shooting issues that customers ask about.

Make sure you book at least 2 hours in advance!

Now Scheduling 2 Time slots: 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM Eastern on Tuesdays!




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